Tag Archives: Finding Hidden Treasure

Bunhill Fields

bunyangrav2In Episode 54, we will be discussing the history and significance of a cemetery in London known as Bunhill Fields.

Link to the City of London’s official website for Bunhill Fields can be found here

Link to Christian Classics Ethereal Library for John Bunyan’s “Pilgrim’s Progress” can be found here

The enclosed picture is of the grave of John Bunyan at Bunhill Fields.

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The United States Christian Commission

ccomisnSilentComforter-largeIn Episode 53, we will discuss the history and legacy of the 19th century organization the United States Christian Commission and the role they played in the American Civil War.

A link to e-book versions of the book on Facts and Principles self-published by the United States Christian Commission can be found at archive.org here.

A link to the restored United States Christian Commission in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, can be found here.

A You Tube video with Debby Boone singing “Be Ye Glad” can be found here.

The lower photograph on this page is a replica of a Civil War-era “Silent Comforter” which had calendar-like sheets with biblical quotations. It would be used to comfort soldiers recuperating from illness or in the process of dying.

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Heidelberg Catechism


In Episode 52, we will be exploring the 16th century Heidelberg Catechism.

A link to the Heidelberg Catechism on the Christian Classics Ethereal Library is here.

A link to a free downloadable pdf of the Heidelberg Catechism, available from the United Reformed Church of North America, is here.

A free app from Westminster Seminary California in the Apple App Store can be found here. It contains the texts of Heidelberg Catechism, several creeds (Apostles, Nicene, Athanasian) as well as other historical confessions of faith (Westminster).

Picture is the cover of a 1563 printing of the Heidelberg Catechism.

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Theologia Germanica

Theologia-GermanicaIn Episode 51, we discuss the 14th century anonymous devotional work, the Theologia Germanica.

Christian Classics Ethereal Library link to Theologia Germanica, including Kindle and pdf links can be found here.

Summary of the Gospel given by the 18th century Dutch theologian Wilhemus A Brakel found here

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The Parable of the Hidden Treasure

parable-hidden-treasureIn our 50th episode, we will be looking at the parable of the Hidden Treasure given by the Lord Jesus and recorded for us in Matthew 13 verses 45 to 47.

A link to a great collection of commentaries on the Gospel of Matthew can be found through Precept Austin.

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