Category Archives: Spiritual Formation

Christian Spiritual Formation – Fellowship In the Past Tense

westminster-abbey-interior-1197241954In Episode 77, we explore the concept of Christian fellowship in the past tense. We discuss the role which those who have died in the faith of Christ before us have played and the legacy which they have left us.

Link to an image of Rembrandt’s Supper at Emmaus from the Louvre can be found here

Link to a podcast episode featuring A.W. Tozer and a brief audio recording of him can be found here

Link to a podcast episode on Leonard Ravenhill can be found here 

Player and Download Links below:

The Central Importance of Prayer in Christian Spiritual Formation

Woman-praying-at-churchIn Episode 75, we will be discussing the central importance of prayer in Christian Spiritual Formation as well as some suggestions about starting or deepening a life of prayer in Christ.

Link to Episode 15 of the Finding Hidden Treasure which discusses the Puritan Practice of Meditation can be found here

Link to Amazon for hardcopy version of the official 1662 Book of Common Prayer can be found here

Link to Ligonier Ministries for a hardcopy of a collection of Puritan prayers known as “The Valley of Vision” can be found here. 

Player and Download links are below:

Resources for listening to and reading the Bible for Christian Spiritual Formation

Audio and TextIn Episode 74, we explore a number of resources for listening to and reading the Bible for the purpose of Christian Spiritual Formation..

The following is a list of resources mentioned in Episode 74:

Thru The Bible

Sermon Audio

Book by Book Bible Videos (UK)

Fighter Verses for Bible Memorization

Discipleship Journal Bible Reading Plan

You Version

Bible Gateway

Crossway Publishers – Free English Standard Version App

E100 Bible Reading Plan from Scripture Union UK

Sermon Notes Cards

Episode 74 Transcript


Player and Download Links are below:

Morning Prayer of the Optina Elders

Optina MonasteryA few weeks ago, I came across a wonderful morning prayer which is linked to the elders of the Optina Monastery in Russia.

The text of the prayer follows:

O Lord, grant that I may meet all that this coming day brings to me with spiritual tranquility. Grant that I may fully surrender myself to Thy holy Will.

At every hour of this day, direct and support me in all things. Whatsoever news may reach me in the course of the day, teach me to accept it with a calm soul and the firm conviction that all is subject to Thy holy Will.

Direct my thoughts and feelings in all my words and actions. In all unexpected occurrences, do not let me forget that all is sent down from Thee.

Grant that I may deal straightforwardly and wisely with every member of my family, neither embarrassing nor saddening anyone.

O Lord, grant me the strength to endure the fatigue of the coming day and all the events that take place during it. Direct my will and teach me to pray, to believe, to hope, to be patient, to forgive, and to love.
