Category Archives: Podcast

Come and Stand Amazed

This ChristmaAdorationoftheShepherds1s-time minisode is set aside to read the words of a wonderful medieval Dutch Christmas carol known in English translation as “Come and Stand Amazed.”

Please allow me to wish you a wonderful and blessed Christmas time.

For those from the United States: “Merry Christmas”

For those from the United Kingdom: “Happy Christmas”

For those from Norway: “God Jul or Gledelig Jul!

For those who speak Afrikaans in South Africa: “Geseënde Kersfees”.

For those in France” “Joyeux Noel”

Link to Citizens and Saints playing a contemporary version of “Come and Stand Amazed

Player and Download Links below:

Christian Spiritual Formation – Fellowship In the Past Tense

westminster-abbey-interior-1197241954In Episode 77, we explore the concept of Christian fellowship in the past tense. We discuss the role which those who have died in the faith of Christ before us have played and the legacy which they have left us.

Link to an image of Rembrandt’s Supper at Emmaus from the Louvre can be found here

Link to a podcast episode featuring A.W. Tozer and a brief audio recording of him can be found here

Link to a podcast episode on Leonard Ravenhill can be found here 

Player and Download Links below:

The Paschal Sermon of Saint John Chrysostom

St.-John-Chrysostom-Minisode 5 is devoted to a reading of the Paschal Sermon of Saint John Chrysostom. Written about the year 400 A.D., this sermon is read at the morning liturgy for Pascha (Easter) in Eastern Orthodox churches into our own time.

Link to a text of the Paschal Sermon can be found here

Download and Player Links below:

Spiritual Formation through Fellowship – Present Tense

FellowshipIn Episode 76, we discuss the role of Christian Fellowship in forming us spiritually. The discussion centers in our own present experience of fellowship with other believers in the body of Christ, whether they live down the street or half a word away.

Link to Amazon for Julia Duin’s book “Quitting Church” can be found here

A sampler of the opening chapter of “Quitting Church” can be found here.

Player and Download Links below: