Tag Archives: Finding Hidden Treasure

The Forgotten Feast of the Ascension

ascension by rembrandtIn Episode 43, we discuss a once universally-celebrated feast of the Church which today is forgotten by many, namely, the Feast of Our Lord’s Ascension back to Heaven.

Link to Robert DeMoor’s article on the decline of the feast of the Ascension can be found here.

Links to Curate Steve Collier’s blog entries from “Christ: Sun of Righteousness” which discusses the importance of Christ’s crucifixion, resurrection and ascension as found in Psalms 22, 23, and 24 can be found here, here and here.

Link to Ascension Day Meditation from Trinity Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, Alabama can be found here.

Picture included is the painting “Ascension of Christ” by Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn (1636)

The Hidden Treasure of Silence

snowfall_in_brixtonIn Episode 42, we will discuss the hidden treasure of the gift of silence.

Link to Donald Whitney’s chapter on Silence and Solitude from Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life can be found here

Link to JoHannah Reardon’s article on Silence and Solitude from Christianity Today can be found here

Link to Sister AnneMarie Walsh’s article on the healing power of silence can be found here

Player and Download Links:

The Obedient Mind

Student_reading_470pxIn Episode 41, we will be listening to a sermon on the Christian use of the mind given by Pastor Dan Lewis of my home congregation of Troy Christian Chapel, in Troy, Michigan, in the United States.

Link to Troy Christian Chapel’s website is here

Pastor Dan is also a teacher for Youth With a Mission’s School of Biblical Studies (SBS). A link to a You Tube channel with several of his videos on biblical studies made for SBS can be found here

Player and Download Links are below:

The Adoration of the Mystic Lamb

fullpanelsIn Episode 40, we will look at the history, symbolism and theology of a collection of 15th century paintings known as the Ghent Altarpiece and also known as the Adoration of the Mystic Lamb.

Link to National Public Radio story about the Ghent Altarpiece is here

Link to Amazon.com for Noah Charney’s book “Stealing the Mystic Lamb” on the history of the Ghent Altarpiece can be found here

Link to the Closer to Van Eyck website with detailed scans of all the panels of the Ghent Altarpiece can be found here

Player and Download links are below: