Category Archives: Podcast

Meeting With God In the Presence Chamber

Episode 106 centers on a discussion about God being in all places at the same time (omni-presence). As a result, we never truly leave His presence.

Several writers of the past have likened this to an encounter that a citizen of a kingdom would have with his  king or queen in a special room designed for such meetings. A Presence Chamber would be the place of such an encounter. This analogy is useful in helping us to understand the importance of knowing that with God in Christ, we never leave the divine Presence Chamber.

This episode also feature a reading from F.B. Meyer’s book “The Secret of Guidance.” The reading is from Chapter 8 is entitled “In The Secret of His Presence.” A link to this book on the Christian Classics Ethereal Library website can be found here.

Inserted photo is of the King’s Presence Chamber at Hampton Court Royal Palace – London –

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A Biblical Moonshot – The Quest To Complete Biblical Translations

This minisode centers on discussing some parallels between the space race to the Moon in the 1960s with the effort to complete the quest to translate the Bible into all known languages by 2025, only seven years from now.

One major contributor to this is The Seed Company, a part of Wycliffe Bible Translators. Please pray for their efforts and support them financially if you can.

A link to a video of U.S. President John Kennedy’s speech to Congress in which he lays out his goal of an American lunar landing can be found here.

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Rethinking Quiet Time

Episode 105 centers on a discussion of re-thinking the devotional practice of Quiet Time. While supporting the essence of what Quiet Time seeks to do (spend time with God in Bible intake, prayer and reflection/meditation), it challenges a legalistic and rigid approach to conducting a Quiet Time. This post developed from my thinking about an article by John Grayston, formerly of Scripture Union in the United Kingdom and his thoughts about biblical illiteracy and the future of quiet time.

Link to John Grayston’s article is here

Link to article The Problem with Quiet Times which explores other similar practices 

School of the Solitary Place articles on Freedom From Quiet Time Guilt  Part 1  Part 2

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A Reflection on the Value of Reading Christian Books

Thomas Goodwin

Episode 104 features a discussion on the value of reading Christian books, especially for those who are participating in the Year of Biblical Literacy. The discussion makes reference to a number of writings; Links are below

The Heart of Christ by Thomas Goodwin



Donald Whitney

Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life by Donald Whitney





Jen Wilkin

How Much Should I Study Doctrine? by Jen Wilkin







Resolutions of Jonathan Edwards





Memoir of Thomas Watson by C. H. Spurgeon


Year of Biblical Literacy – Bricks Without Straw – Reflection on Exodus 5

Episode 103 is a supplemental podcast for the Year of Biblical Literacy. It is a reflection on the implications of Pharaoh’s command to the Israelites to manufacture bricks but to do so with straw which they find, not already supplied. Just as the Israelites were being commanded to do more with less to take their focus off God and onto Pharaoh, how should Christians think and act today while living in a culture which demands more time and attention from us? Some ideas about how to recognize this and work through it in Christ are provided within the podcast.

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