Tag Archives: Finding Hidden Treasure

A Psalm Hiding In Plain Sight

In Episode 8, we will be discussing a Psalm “hiding in plain sight” in 1 Chronicles 16:8-36.

Link to Graeme Goldworthy’s article “Is the Old Testament for Christians?” here

Link to Bible Gateway’s page for the New American Standard Bible version of 1 Chronicles 16 here

Link to Reformed Baptist Church, Kalamazoo, Michigan here.

Photo Credit: Wired Magazine https://wired.co.uk

Player and download links below

The Personal Narrative of Jonathan Edwards

In Episode 7, we will be exploring an autobiographical essay by Jonathan Edwards called The Personal Narrative.

A link to the text of the Personal Narrative can be found here

In addition, I’ve included a link to the Resolutions of Jonathan Edwards which can be found here

The program can be played or downloaded using the Player Button and links just below.

The Weight of Glory

In Episode 6, we will discussing the essay The Weight of Glory by C.S. Lewis.

There a number of links connected to this episode

Weight of Glory in downloadable pdf format :www.verber.com/mark/xian/weight-of-glory.pdf

Christianity in Five Verses by Rod Rosenbladt (links to a page from which mp3 is downable):  https://www.newreformationpress.com/blog/nrp-freebies/christianity-in-five-verses/

Link to the podcast in which Rod Rosenbladt is a panelist: The White Horse Inn

Link to Jonathan Edwards’ sermon Nothing On Earth Can Represent the Glories of Heaven: Link here

Click on the player below to play the program or download it from this page:

The Joy-Filled Theology of Wilhemus A Brakel

In Episode 4, we will be discussing the joy-filled theological writings of the 18th century Dutch pastor and theologian Wilhemus A Brakel.

The link to Paul Smalley’s article (a downloadable pdf) is included here: 


A link to Brakel’s master work “The Christian’s Reasonable Service” is here


I have copied the text of Brakel’s summary of the Gospel to my blog School of the Solitary Place, found here


The program can be played here