Category Archives: Podcast

The Happiness of Drawing Near To God – Part 2

Thomas-WatsonEpisode 88 is the second and concluding part of the reading of “The Happiness of Drawing Near To God” by the 17th century English minister Thomas Watson.

A link to the podcast episode (Episode 15) on the practices of the Puritans regarding biblical meditation can be found here

A link to a text of the entire sermon “The Happiness of Drawing Near to God can be found here, courtesy of Grace Gems

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The Happiness of Drawing Near To God – Part 1

WATSON-Thomas_detailEpisode 87 is centered on the reading of the first half of a sermon by the 17th century English minister Thomas Watson (1620-1686).

A link to the podcast episode (Episode 15) on the practices of the Puritans regarding biblical meditation can be found here

A link to a text of the entire sermon “The Happiness of Drawing Near to God can be found here, courtesy of Grace Gems

Player and Download links are below:

Excerpt from “The City of God” by Augustine, Bishop of Hippo

Augustine by CarpaccioThis minisode features a sample of text written in the early 5th century by Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, in north Africa. The text which is read is from Book 19 Chapter 20 of “The City of God.”

In this rather massive book, written after the Visigoths sacked Rome in 410 A.D., Augustine makes the case that the abandonment of the old Roman gods did not lead to this crisis. Rather, Augustine contrasts the City of Man (Earthly ways of conducting life) with the City of God (Heavenly ways of conducting life).

Player and Download Links are below:

The Life and Legacy of Isaac Watts

Isaac Watts-2Episode 86 centers on a discussion of a very gifted man from the late 17th and early-to-mid 18th century. Known as the Father of English Hymnody, Isaac Watts (1674-1748) was a gifted hymn-writer, pastor, theologian, logician and philosopher. His influence remains to this day. He was the author of 500-750 hymns, perhaps, the best-known of which is the Christmas hymn “Joy To the World.”

Link to Episode 24 of the Podcast which discusses the Metrical Psalter known as the Bay Psalm Book can be found here.

Link to Amazon for Isaac Watts book on logic can be found here.

Links to Player and Downloads are below:

An Excerpt from Looking Unto Jesus by Isaac Ambrose

Isaac AmbroseThis minisode features the reading of an excerpt from the 17th century devotional “Looking Unto Jesus” by Isaac Ambrose. This book was, for several centuries, considered a devotional classic among English-speaking followers of Christ. The excerpt begins to explore the importance of the Ascension of Christ and what He is doing right now, being seated (“the session of Christ”) at the right hand of God the Father.

Free PDF of Looking Unto Jesus from an 1815 printing (digitized in the library of the University of Toronto) can be found here link to Looking Unto Jesus can be found here 

Link to Amazon site for a hardcopy version of Looking Unto Jesus can be found here 

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