Category Archives: Podcast

Prayer Revivals and the Third Great Awakening – Part 3

morse-telegraphEpisode 93 is the third and final episode dedicated to reading an account of the 1857 Revivals as taken from the article “Prayer Revivals and the Third Great Awakening” published in the Evangelical Review of Theology in January 2007.

The role which 1850’s technology played in the spread of the revival was very important. The telegraph and the steamship allowed the news of the revival to spread across a country and across oceans. steamship

A link to a downloadable pdf of “Prayer Revivals and the Third Great Awakening” can be found here


Prayer Revivals and the Third Great Awakening – Part 2


Episode 92 is Part Two of a serialization of the article “Prayer Revivals and the Third Great Awakening” published in the Evangelical Review of Theology in January 2007. In this episode, an account of the revivals in Wales, Scotland, England and Australia is given.

A link to a downloadable pdf of “Prayer Revivals and the Third Great Awakening” can be found here

The autobiography of William Haslam, one of the revival leaders in England, is entitled CaliforniaTaylor01“From Death Into Life”. My podcast on William Haslam is Episode 14 of Finding Hidden Treasure. A link to the webpage can be found here

The upper photograph is of William Haslam; The lower photograph is of William “California” Taylor.

Player and Download links are below:

Prayer Revivals and the Third Great Awakening – Part 1

Episode jeremiahlanphier91 is Part 1 of a serialization of an article from the Evangelical Review of Theology entitled “Prayer Revivals and the Third Great Awakening.” The article centers on the history of a massive revival which swept the English-speaking world starting in North America in 1857.

The photo insert is of Jeremiah Lanphier, who conducted the prayer meetings during the Fulton Street Revival in New York City.

Link to a pdf of “Prayer Revivals and the Third Great Awakening

Player and Download Links are below:

Excerpts from “A Christian on the Mount” by Thomas Watson

WATSON-Thomas_detailThis minisode contains the reading of some excerpts on meditating on the all-knowingness (omniscience), holiness and wisdom of God. The excerpts are taken from Thomas Watson’s 17th century treatise “A Christian on the Mount.”

Link to Amazon for the print book 

Link to Amazon for the Kindle version

Player and Download links below:

Some Spiritual Lessons Learned in London

Prayer Room - John Wesley House - London UKEpisode 90 centers on a discussion of four lessons in living the Christ life which the host learned from touring several sites in London which have deep roots in Christian history. The four lessons point to the importance of (1) Sacred Space and Time; (2) Disciplined Practice of Word and Prayer; (3) Living the Christ life well despite times and circumstances; (4) Planning and Organizing the work which God
Thomas Becket Memorial at Canterbury Cathedralhas given us to do.

Links to some entries from the School of the Solitary Place blog concerning how all this started and recaps of the visits of two London sites (Wesley’s house & chapel; St. Giles Cripplegate) can be found here, here, here

Links to webpages for Restoring The Core which speak in more detail about the London trip can be found in the following

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Another Canterbury Tale, Part 5

Player and Download links are below: