Tag Archives: School of the Solitary Place

Taking Advantage of a Great Grace

Audio-Post-11 is a reading of an article on my original blog School of the Solitary Place. In this post, I discuss several graces available to us in our time and place, particularly, for English speakers, the grace of having multiple translations of the Bible available to us in English.

The article can be found at https://schoolofthesolitaryplace.blogspot.com/2018/03/taking-advantage-of-great-grace.html

Audio Post 10 – A Spiritual Stockholm Syndrome

The discussion in Audio Post 10 centers around how to reconcile human freedom (and willingness) to sin with the Apostle Paul’s words to his disciple Timothy about those not in Christ being held captive by the Devil to do his will (see 2 Timothy 2:24-26).

One possible explanation is that of a spiritual version of what psychologists call “The Stockholm Syndrome” in which those held captive begin to sympathize with the beliefs of their captors.

The original article from the School of the Solitary Place site can be found here.

Player and Download links below:

Audio Post 7 – Taking Advantage of a Great Grace

 This episode centers on a discussion of graces which God has given us in our time. One of those graces, for those of us in the English-speaking world, has been the presence of a number of excellent Bible translations available to us in English. One way of using that grace to our benefit is to be able to read more than one English translation of the Scriptures to get a better sense of what God is telling us in His Sacred Word.

Link to the article on School of the Solitary Place

Link to the Read Scripture Plan (which I’m using in my Bible reading in 2018)

Link to the One Year Bible Reading Plan

Link to the Discipleship Journal Bible Reading Plan

Link to the Seed Company, a part of Wycliffe Bible Translators

Download and Play Links are below:

Some Spiritual Lessons Learned in London

Prayer Room - John Wesley House - London UKEpisode 90 centers on a discussion of four lessons in living the Christ life which the host learned from touring several sites in London which have deep roots in Christian history. The four lessons point to the importance of (1) Sacred Space and Time; (2) Disciplined Practice of Word and Prayer; (3) Living the Christ life well despite times and circumstances; (4) Planning and Organizing the work which God
Thomas Becket Memorial at Canterbury Cathedralhas given us to do.

Links to some entries from the School of the Solitary Place blog concerning how all this started and recaps of the visits of two London sites (Wesley’s house & chapel; St. Giles Cripplegate) can be found here, here, here

Links to webpages for Restoring The Core which speak in more detail about the London trip can be found in the following

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Another Canterbury Tale, Part 5

Player and Download links are below: