Category Archives: Podcast

Year of Biblical Literacy: A Call To Action

Episode 102 announces a new effort by the Restoring The Core Initiative to engage in an online version of the Year of Biblical Literacy. The crisis of biblical illiteracy within the church has not gone unnoticed in recent years. This episode contains a “Call To Action” to encourage and exhort our fellow believers in Christ to enter into a deeper knowledge. understanding and appreciation of the Bible, the Written Word of God, to strengthen our relationship with God in Christ, the Living Word of God.

Our Year of Biblical Literacy is patterned on similar initiatives by Reality Church San Francisco and Bridgetown Church in Portland, Oregon. Our version is customized to be a web-only project.

Our quest begins on Sunday, July 1st 2018 and concluding on Sunday, June 30th, 2019. The Year of Biblical Literacy will structure our involvement with the Bible on four distinct levels

1.Individual; 2.Group; 3.Worship (sermons); 4.Educational

The main page for Restoring The Core’s Year of Biblical Literacy  supplies details on how each level works. Links to numerous resources for each level can be found at the Resources page. You can find the readings, Psalms and videos for the week hyper-linked under the Menu tab “Year of Biblical Literacy” and then “Map to the Weekly Readings.”

It is my prayer that you will join us in this quest to engage further with Scripture. Whether you are a seasoned reader of many years of taking in the Bible or are rather new to it, I believe that all of us can benefit by this deeper interaction with the Bible, the very Word of God.

The “Call to Action” is in both audio form as Episode 102 but is also available here in transcript form as a pdf as well as at the Call To Action page.

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Some thoughts on Biblical Illiteracy and one path to a solution

In Episode 101, the discussion centers on the crisis of biblical illiteracy within the American church. One path to resolving this crisis is explored, namely, the delight in the reading of the Word of God to overcome the perception of drudgery.

Link to an introductory video for the Year of Biblical Literacy can be found here.  Their approach strongly parallels the Puritan approach to devotional practice (Personal/Secret; Communal/Private;  Worshipful/Public) as well as a strong educational component to teach more about how we got the Bible. Very much worth exploring.

Link to the Read Scripture Bible Reading Plan can be found here 

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Audio Post 10 – A Spiritual Stockholm Syndrome

The discussion in Audio Post 10 centers around how to reconcile human freedom (and willingness) to sin with the Apostle Paul’s words to his disciple Timothy about those not in Christ being held captive by the Devil to do his will (see 2 Timothy 2:24-26).

One possible explanation is that of a spiritual version of what psychologists call “The Stockholm Syndrome” in which those held captive begin to sympathize with the beliefs of their captors.

The original article from the School of the Solitary Place site can be found here.

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Audio Post 9 – Wonderful In Our Sight

Jupiter and Four MoonsThis audio post centers on a discussion of the treasure we have in Christ, a treasure which those who refuse to believe can never diminish or remove. Comparisons are made to the refractive beauty of a diamond and also the wonders which Galileo saw in his telescope around the year 1610 (such as four moons which orbit the planet Jupiter…pictured here). No person who denied the beauty and wonder of such things removes these things from existence. The wonder still exists, even if no one else is willing to marvel. Such is our relationship with Christ.

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