Category Archives: Podcast

Stepping Up Our Game

Episode 118 explores some examples of those who realized that they needed to take their faith and walk in Christ more seriously. What they did, to use a sports phrase, was to “step up their game.”

A link to John Piper’s lesson on how George Mueller (1805-1898) [pictured above] took his faith practice to a new level can be found at

Living A Christ Focused Life – Episode 116

Finding Hidden Treasure returns after a long absence. Episode 116 is a discussion of how easily we are distracted. The 17th century theologian and philosopher Blaise Pascal observed how we are distraction-seekers, even to our own hurt. The discussion looks at some modern examples of this. It concludes by encouraging us to recognize our capacity for self-distraction and to seek to live a Christ-focused life.

This podcast is also in video format. It can be found at the Finding Hidden Treasure You Tube channel. The video can be found here.

The link to the article “What Is the Gospel?” from Ligonier Ministries can be found here.

The free English Standard Bible app from Crossway can be accessed from