Category Archives: Podcast

A Letter From John Newton – One Thing Needed

John-NewtonIn this first mini-episode (“minisode”) we will hear the text of a letter by the 18th century British pastor John Newton (best known as the author of the lyrics to the hymn “Amazing Grace”). In it, Newton writes of the importance of the one thing needed, that is a relationship to God in Christ.

A link to an online copy of the text of the letter can be found here at Reformed Reader.

Player and Download links are below:


Laying the Groundwork For Christian Spiritual Formation

grow_in_faithEpisode 72 is the first in a series on Christian Spiritual Formation. In this episode, we discuss the basics of why Christian Spiritual Formation is important in the life of a believer in Christ.

As the third anniversary of the Restoring The Core Initiative approaches on September 7th, my book is being offered for free in Kindle or Adobe pdf formats. Go to the Spiritual Formation page to access the links for the downloads.

I encourage your interaction with these podcasts. Leave comments on this page or go to Twitter. @restorethecore  Please use the hashtag #spiritualclay

A transcript of Episode 72 is available here

Player and Download Links are below