Tag Archives: Restoring the Core

What Do We Do With God’s Unshared Attributes?

This episode centers on a discussion which my wife Julie and I had about a question from one of her Bible Study women. They read Jen Wilkin’s book “None Like Him” about God’s attributes He does not share with us (Omni-present, omniscient, etc). Julie got a question from someone in her study asking, in essence: “Now that I know about these, what do I do with them?”

Link to Jen Wilkin’s book “None Like Him”


Reflections on the Parable of the Wheat and the Weeds

Episode 119 centers on a discussion of the Lord Jesus’ parable of the wheat and the weeds found in Matthew 13:24-30 as well as the explanation given by the Lord in Matthew 13:36-43.

Two specific applications look at the question: “Why doesn’t God remove evil from the world?” as well asking us to expand our focus beyond the evils of our world.

Taking Advantage of a Great Grace

Audio-Post-11 is a reading of an article on my original blog School of the Solitary Place. In this post, I discuss several graces available to us in our time and place, particularly, for English speakers, the grace of having multiple translations of the Bible available to us in English.

The article can be found at https://schoolofthesolitaryplace.blogspot.com/2018/03/taking-advantage-of-great-grace.html

Stepping Up Our Game

Episode 118 explores some examples of those who realized that they needed to take their faith and walk in Christ more seriously. What they did, to use a sports phrase, was to “step up their game.”

A link to John Piper’s lesson on how George Mueller (1805-1898) [pictured above] took his faith practice to a new level can be found at https://www.desiringgod.org/messages/george-muellers-strategy-for-showing-god