Tag Archives: Northumbria Community

The Northumbria Community

Nether SpringsEpisode 84 is a discussion of a new monasticism movement known as the Northumbria Community. The community uses the examples of the spiritual history and heritage of the Northumbria region of northeast England and applies their theology and practice in a simple and profound way to living everyday life.

The website for the Northumbria Community can be found here

The website for the Simple Way in Philadelphia can be found here

Player and Download links are below:


The Midday Prayer of the Northumbria Community

Welcome-Door-300x200In this minisode is recited the Midday Prayer from the cycle of prayers known as the Daily Office of the Northumbria Community. The Northumbria Community is a lay monastic centered in the Northumbria region of the England and Scotland. The community has followers around the world in what is described as a “dispersed community.” Its followers do not live in monasteries but rather in everyday circumstances. What binds them together is the daily cycle of prayers as well as the rules of living life with purposeful availability to God and others as well as intentional vulnerability.

A link to the homepage of the Northumbria Community can be found here.

Download and Player Links are below: