Tag Archives: Finding Hidden Treasure

Audio Post 9 – Wonderful In Our Sight

Jupiter and Four MoonsThis audio post centers on a discussion of the treasure we have in Christ, a treasure which those who refuse to believe can never diminish or remove. Comparisons are made to the refractive beauty of a diamond and also the wonders which Galileo saw in his telescope around the year 1610 (such as four moons which orbit the planet Jupiter…pictured here). No person who denied the beauty and wonder of such things removes these things from existence. The wonder still exists, even if no one else is willing to marvel. Such is our relationship with Christ.

Player and download links are below:

Audio Post 7 – Taking Advantage of a Great Grace

 This episode centers on a discussion of graces which God has given us in our time. One of those graces, for those of us in the English-speaking world, has been the presence of a number of excellent Bible translations available to us in English. One way of using that grace to our benefit is to be able to read more than one English translation of the Scriptures to get a better sense of what God is telling us in His Sacred Word.

Link to the article on School of the Solitary Place

Link to the Read Scripture Plan (which I’m using in my Bible reading in 2018)

Link to the One Year Bible Reading Plan

Link to the Discipleship Journal Bible Reading Plan

Link to the Seed Company, a part of Wycliffe Bible Translators

Download and Play Links are below: