A Meditation Sampler: Another Name for Christ

Episode 127 explores an example of cross-referencing meditation on the Bible. While reflecting on one passage, other passages can provide deeper insight and show us a more, full-orbed view of the Scriptures.


Life In The Wake of Death

Episode 126 is an exploration of the Gospel accounts of what happened when Christ encountered the dead. Dead doesn’t stay dead. This has far-reaching and staggering implications for the life of every human being, both for now and into eternity.

The picture is that of a painting depicting the raising to life of the son of the widow of Nain.



Some Thoughts on the Asbury Revival

This episode contains some thoughts about an extraordinary church service known as the Asbury Revival of 2023. This episode contains some thoughts on criteria which could be applied to seek to determine the genuiness of this revival. It also contains discussion of some parallels between what is happening in Asbury in 2023 with a series of revivals which swept the English-speaking world starting in 1857.

Much of this episode is an exploration of an article found in the January 2007 edition of the Evangelical Review of Theology. The article, entitled “Prayer Revivals and the Third Great Awakening” can be found here


The True State of Things

Episode 124 features a discussion of discerning and remembering the true state of things concerning a believer’s life in Christ. It is good for us to believe the things which the Bible says about God. It is also good for us to remember the things which the Bible says about us.


Connecting today's believers in Christ with the treasures of our past